
Fenugreek is an herb that is similar to clover. It is native to the Mediterranean region, southern Europe, and western Asia. The seeds are used in cooking, in medicine, and to hide the taste of other medicine. Fenugreek seeds smell and taste similar to maple syrup. Fenugreek leaves are eaten in India as a vegetable.

Fenugreek is taken by mouth for diabetes, menstrual cramps, high cholesterol, and many other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses.

In foods, fenugreek is included as an ingredient in spice blends. It is also used as a flavoring agent in imitation maple syrup, foods, beverages, and tobacco.

In manufacturing, fenugreek extracts are used in soaps and cosmetics.

How does it work ?

Fenugreek appears to slow absorption of sugars in the stomach and stimulate insulin. Both of these effects lower blood sugar in people with diabetes.

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